ANGADJAVA Code Samples Bytes Creating a Spring Boot REST API with request payload validation

Creating a Spring Boot REST API with request payload validation

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To create a Spring Boot REST API with request payload validation, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up a new Spring Boot project: Start by creating a new Spring Boot project using your preferred IDE or the Spring Initializr ( Include the necessary dependencies for building a REST API, such as Spring Web and Spring Boot DevTools.
  2. Define your data model: Create the necessary Java classes to represent your data model. These classes should include the fields and validation annotations required to enforce validation rules on the incoming request payload. For example:
javaCopy codepublic class User {
    @NotBlank(message = "Name is required")
    private String name;

    @Email(message = "Invalid email format")
    private String email;

    // Getters and setters
  1. Create a controller class: Create a controller class to handle the REST API endpoints. Annotate the class with @RestController and define the request mapping for the endpoints. For example:
javaCopy code@RestController
public class UserController {
    public ResponseEntity<String> createUser(@Valid @RequestBody User user) {
        // Handle user creation logic
        return ResponseEntity.ok("User created successfully");

    // Other controller methods
  1. Enable request payload validation: Add the @Valid annotation to the method parameter representing the request payload in your controller method. This annotation triggers the validation process on the incoming request payload.
  2. Customize error handling: To provide meaningful error responses, you can define an exception handler method in your controller class. Use the @ExceptionHandler annotation and handle the MethodArgumentNotValidException exception to capture validation errors. For example:
public ResponseEntity<Map<String, String>> handleValidationException(MethodArgumentNotValidException ex) {
    Map<String, String> errors = new HashMap<>();
    ex.getBindingResult().getFieldErrors().forEach(error -> errors.put(error.getField(), error.getDefaultMessage()));
    return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(errors);
  1. Run and test the API: Start your Spring Boot application and send requests to the defined endpoints. If the request payload fails the validation rules, the API will respond with appropriate error messages.

That’s it! You have now created a Spring Boot REST API with request payload validation. By utilizing validation annotations like @NotBlank, @Email, and others provided by the javax.validation.constraints package, you can enforce specific rules on the incoming data and ensure the integrity of your API’s payload.

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