ANGADJAVA Dev Blog GitHub Shortcuts: A Developer’s Guide to Streamlining Workflow

GitHub Shortcuts: A Developer’s Guide to Streamlining Workflow

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GitHub is an indispensable platform for developers, providing robust version control and collaboration capabilities. To maximize efficiency and productivity, it’s essential to leverage GitHub shortcuts effectively. In this blog, we will delve into what GitHub shortcuts are, how they can benefit developers, and provide examples of their usage, specifically focusing on common Git operations like committing and pulling code.

Understanding GitHub Shortcuts

GitHub shortcuts are predefined keyboard shortcuts and commands that enable developers to navigate and perform actions on the GitHub platform without extensive clicking or manual navigation. By utilizing these shortcuts, developers can save time, streamline their workflow, and improve productivity.

Browser-Based and Desktop-Based Shortcuts

GitHub offers shortcuts for both browser-based and desktop-based workflows. Let’s explore each of them in detail:

Browser-Based Shortcuts

To make use of browser-based shortcuts:

  1. Open your preferred browser and navigate to your GitHub repository.
  2. Press the ? key on your keyboard to display the available shortcuts.
  3. Use the arrow keys to navigate through the shortcuts menu.
  4. Press the corresponding key to execute the desired shortcut.

Here are some frequently used browser-based shortcuts that can benefit developers:

  • t then w – Switch to the “Code” tab to view the repository’s source code.
  • t then b – Create a new issue to report a problem or suggest an enhancement.
  • t then p – Open the “Pull Requests” page to manage ongoing pull requests.
  • t then i – Access your user inbox for reviewing notifications.
  • . – Open the command palette to search for specific actions (available with some browser extensions).

Git Commands for Common Operations

While GitHub shortcuts are convenient for navigating the platform, developers heavily rely on Git commands for version control. Here are some of the most frequently used Git commands:

  • git clone <REPO_URL> – Clone a remote repository to your local machine.
  • git add . – Stage all changes in the current directory for the next commit.
  • git commit -m "Commit message" – Commit staged changes with a descriptive message.
  • git push – Push committed changes to the remote repository.
  • git pull – Retrieve and integrate changes from a remote repository.
  • git branch – List all local branches.
  • git checkout -b <BRANCH_NAME> – Create and switch to a new branch.
  • git merge <BRANCH_NAME> – Merge a specified branch into the current branch.
  • git status – View the status of the current working directory and staging area.
  • git log – Display the commit history of the repository.

Desktop-Based Shortcuts

GitHub Desktop provides a convenient way to access shortcuts in a desktop environment:

  1. Download and install GitHub Desktop on your machine.
  2. Open your repository in GitHub Desktop.
  3. Use the following shortcuts for different operations:
  • Ctrl + , on Windows or Cmd + , on Mac – Open the settings menu.
  • Ctrl + 1 on Windows or Cmd + 1 on Mac – Switch to the “Changes” tab.
  • Ctrl + 2 on Windows or Cmd + 2 on Mac – Switch to the “History” tab.
  • Ctrl + 3 on Windows or Cmd + 3 on Mac – Switch to the “Repository” tab.
  • Ctrl + 4 on Windows or Cmd + 4 on Mac – Switch to the “Pull Requests” tab.
  • Ctrl + Shift + D on Windows or Cmd + Shift + D on Mac – Create a new branch.
  • Ctrl + Shift + C on Windows or Cmd + Shift + C on Mac – Open the command palette.

Example Workflow: Committing and Pulling Code

Let’s walk through an example workflow using Git commands to commit and pull code:

  1. Clone the remote repository to your local machine:
git clone <REPO_URL>
  1. Make changes to the project files.
  2. Stage the changes for the commit:
git add .
  1. Commit the changes with a descriptive message:
git commit -m "Implement feature X"
  1. Push the committed changes to the remote repository:
git push
  1. To ensure your local copy is up to date, pull the latest changes:
git pull

These commands facilitate a seamless workflow, allowing you to efficiently commit and pull code from a remote repository.


GitHub shortcuts, along with Git commands, are essential tools for developers looking to enhance their workflow. By leveraging shortcuts and understanding the most frequently used Git commands, developers can save time and streamline collaboration on GitHub. Incorporate these shortcuts into your routine and see how they improve your productivity, making your development journey more efficient and enjoyable.

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